I use a keyboard configuration called Colemak, meaning when I type, the letters that appear aren’t the ones on the keys. I learned Colemak about 10 years ago, when I decided I wanted to learn to touch-type; you become quickly committed to all-finger touch-typing when even glancing at the keyboard, let alone trying to hunt-and-peck, only throws you off further. At work currently I have to use QWERTY again, and find it really unergonomic, having to stretch and shake off my hands with some regularity.
Colemak, like its inspiration Dvorak, shuffles the keys around such that common letters are closer to the home row (the middle one that your fingers will rest on) and more often assigned to your stronger fingers. Both Colemak and Dvorak also take into account, in different ways, factors like hand alternation (easier to type left-right-left-right than right-right-right-right) and reducing the same-finger ratio (something Qwerty will ask you to do a lot, eg LOL). Colemak advocates will argue that it gets these issues a bit more right than its predecessor, which revealed issues that Colemak has cleaned up.
But where Colemak differs most is that its changes are less comprehensive. Dvorak takes a purist approach, reconfiguration from the bottom up, requiring a lot of adjustments from the user. I understand this makes it harder to learn, but it also has some active costs, such as separating the keys Z, X, C and V, a gang which any power user of text finds invaluable.
Colemak ensures some continuity: Q stays in the corner – it’s a rare key so where was the harm of keeping it as is? (Dvorak shoved it to the bottom.) Similarly w, b, h, a, m all stay put too, little familiar islands that you don’t need to remap. And importantly, those text manipulation keys stay reassuringly where they always were. This little family may be purely arbitrary – what love should there be, really, between a c and a v? – but later keyboard users took that contingency and made it valuable, a step that can’t be recast by committee.
It’s important to dismantle dogmas, but amongst them are valuable traditions too. A totalising system doesn’t let you tell between them, but with care and interest, you can simply look to see.
Elseweb I put together something I’m pretty proud of, a list of ways to help build the local improvisation scene in 2019. It’s here at the Open Heart Theatre blog. Doing it involved gathering together ideas from a bunch of people across the UK and beyond, and it was a rare example of Facebook really being useful. It was also a chance to flex writing muscles a little, as I’m not doing as much as I’m used to doing. Here’s a good point from one collaborator:
Believe in ourselves more. The UK scene has the world’s longest running improv show (Comedy Store Players) and started Whose Line which took improv into the mainstream. Keith Johnstone came from England, and we have inherited a rich theatrical tradition populated with leviathans. We have some of the most successful improv shows worldwide (Showstoppers, Austentatious, Comedy Store Players) as well as improv groups that have broken out into other theatre (The Mischief in the west end and broadway).
We have developed a glorious melting pot of styles, thanks to our own traditions and the benefits of being geographically near to European community and linguistically near to improv centers hundreds or thousands of miles away. Let’s keep being brave and experimental and non-exclusive.
I haven’t posted on here for ages – the weekly update was fun for a while but has proved a little counterproductive, as I started to feel obliged to deliver a range of different sections each week, like an editor of a magazine, and not just post an idea or thought when it suited.
However I have bulked out the blog considerably, but invisibly: I’ve collected all my google plus posts of any value and posted them here, before the platform collapses (imminently). They all have their original dates so are buried in the archives but if you just search [g+ backpost] or click here you can check them all out.
On the “social murdiers”, someone asked me about our Haruki Murakami improv format, and I’m reprinting it here to keep.
The format was the brainchild of Susan Harrison. Our group Storybag had been working on non-genre narrative for a couple of years and wanted a genre that would improve our skills but also complement the philosophy of narrative work we had settled on, which avoided skeleton structures and mandatory beats and focused on following what felt important from the story so far.
Murakami was a neat fit because his work blossoms with tropes and a particular atmosphere but doesn’t live or die on its particular structure (an aficionado might well be able to identify one, but it didn’t seem to us the primary thing offered by his writing, which is elliptic and avoids clear endings).
What tropes? He loves riffing on the Beatles or jazz culture, on the best way to make a broth and the contours of the city. He dives into details and gives life to them. So we tried to get better at that quotidian specificity. To avoid a vomit of bland detail we practiced reading expository sections of the books and improvising from there, allowing us to internalise some of Murakami’s voice and the flavour of his enthusiasm for these details.
We looked at highly fantastical characters and the way in which Murakami was efficient in allowing such characters to encounter the protagonist. Generally their fantastical nature is recognised but accepted, rather than denied or held in extended disbelief. This means such encounters are often calm and curious, and to reach there we had to overwrite an old skill developed to respond to weird situations, the classic “game of the scene” approach of calling things out and being a resistant voice of reason. Instead, we would try and allow ourselves to get swept along while still telegraphing some of the strangeness. A muted Alice in Wonderland, perhaps.
Another trope found within such encounters is that the fantastical character often has access to things intimate to the protagonist – knowing the other person’s thoughts or history or having habits that parallel something from their backstory – that aren’t explained at the time. There are a couple of excellent improv skills that align with that well: making thing personal, and jumping (making a step forward) before justifying (worrying if it makes sense). So we just had to identify the relevance of these skills and start to explicitly use them.
There was lots of other stuff: playing strange characters in relation to each other apart from the protagonist’s normal world, storytelling skills, other tropes like talking animals. Our musician had recently bought a Kaoss Machine:
…. so we were working a lot with samples and atmospheric background sounds that added a lot.
In a sense the shows were Murakami reimagined or digested and dreamt, rather than faithfully reproducing something that would have felt as thorough as the novels would have. I much prefer this approach to improvising work, compared to distilling the core path and trying to follow it show after show, but I don’t know whether a Murakami fan would have prefered a Murakami by numbers… it’s an open question whether that is even possible, mind you.
Was interviewed for a new role in the NHS, permanent not temporary. Nailed it. Have been on the edge of getting sick this weekend but managed to push it back. Had a nice wander through some heritage buildings yesterday and watched the Great North Run on TV this morning, toying with doing it next year.
Some relationship deep work/quality time as it moves from just knowing each other to figuring out where things are going.
Also had a doctor’s appointment to sort out the long-running chronic condition.
Things are cooling, and the wind in from the north sea can be truly chilling even this far from winter. Still, my favourite time of year.
No photos this week!
Put together artists contracts, risk assessments and sundry for improv stuff.
Art and improv
Started teaching new class this week. Fun to be back, but being in full employment really dictates that I get things done much more efficiently – I guess that’s good?
Getting into the new series of Better Call Saul. It’s all about Kim for me, to be honest, and Jimmy to an extent: the machinations of the cartels and Mike’s plays, as neat as they are, don’t really hold my attention – although Nacho is a compelling figure within a moral bind.
And I’m loving everything from ContraPoints. Check out the incels content if you have the stomach for it; it is illuminating.
Interesting to see an Archon being unmasked, but makes for some bleak reading…
The university belongs, like the church and the military, to the social institutions that are situated at a considerable distance from democracy and adhere to premodern power structures. Professor Ronell was unusually skilled at manipulating these. … At a public event she labeled me an anti-Semite. Not that she actually believed this smear. But the accusation, once uttered, was not easy to unhear, and since it fit into her political calculations, she had no scruples deploying it. Even if no one believed the charge, it would still have the desired effect for her. Semper aliquid haeret, as the Romans used to say: Something always sticks.
The quality of teaching in the department unraveled. The carefully planned program of teaching German literature was ignored. Many students arrived in the department with minimal knowledge of German literature or history. The courses that were meant to correct this no longer existed. Now philosophy, from Hegel to Judith Butler, was taught. But multidisciplinarity quickly deteriorated into dilettantism….she admitted students who spoke English and French, but not a word of German — but they had studied in Paris and proven in their term papers that they were Derrida connoisseurs.
Before students were allowed to practice criticism, they had to learn to subject themselves to authority….Whoever wants to whitewash the misconduct of Avital Ronell does so either out of ignorance or is eager to make a contribution to this undeclared war. As in all wars, truth is the first casualty, and these alternative facts do a disservice to the cause of women. The critique of asymmetrical power structures in universities, which the case of Avital Ronell would allow, will be prevented by the ranks now closing around her. Avital Ronell’s supporters will ensure that existing power structures remain in place.
Thinking Through
A couple of weeks ago, Jacob Rees Mogg responded to warnings from the Treasury regarding Brexit with a saying: “As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.”
People may have noticed that in current times, politicianshave arisen with a real taste for arresting, colourful and often unpleasant language. Part of this, perhaps, is a backlash against the bland managerialism that in my country was associated with the long Blairite years. (“Finally, someone tells it like they see it!”) But much of the language is much more than bluntness, and I think the Rees Mogg quote is a good example. It seems, rather, designed to stick in our minds, to take our associations with a person or organisation and latch onto them vivid emotional, and often disgust-tinted imagery. As George Lakoff has emphasised, politics in large part is about activating people through language, and the right has developed a strong knack at this. (There is a discussion about how the left has also annexed language for its own terms, but this tends to centre more around neologism and limiting language, rather than launching emotional depth charges.)
The approach pays off, mainly because we don’t challenge it – and that’s partly because the technique counterstrikes when attacked. When we call it out we simply call attention to the association that the opposition wants more attention for. The logical frame – “this vomit and Person X association is out of line and should not be considered acceptable” soon rubs away, leaving “vomit and Person X”, just as desired. One way to look at this is that “vomit and Person X” may be intended as an antimeme (definition here, warning, this is a NSFW site run by someone who seems problematic but has some useful conceptual tools) – a meme designed such that people who hate it turn into useful idiots who devote energy to spreading it.
Still, if the tactic is not snuffed, it will continue to be used. So this is me thinking through whether it can be reverse ju-jitsu’d. This is how I would like a journalist to try and handle it.
“We have in the studio Jacob Rees Mogg, who was recently critical of the treasury. Mr Rees Mogg, you used arresting language to do so, you said: ‘As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly’ Why?”
Standard response, R-M controls the conversation, and strengthens the association. That’s the inevitable cost of going there.
But Mr Rees Mogg, you must recognise that the idea of dog vomit provokes strong negative reactions in people, and when you – the MP Jacob Rees Mogg, play with this concept of dog vomit, you are bringing some very unpleasant associations into public discourse.
R-M has a bit of a choice – he could give a standard retort about “leavers”, maybe with a new (although likely defused) metaphor, or just standard language. Alternatively he could double down on the claim, but I think he would be wary of it by now, as it would seem to validate the claim that he is preoccupied with it. It doesn’t matter anyway. You don’t drop the topic.
“I understand that you may say [x,y]. But the issue is about your use of dog vomit, Mr Rees Mogg. You may recognise, or not, that simply associating disgusting vivid imagery with people or entities can leave lasting impressions. Do you disagree?
R-M might say this is ridiculous or irrelevant at this stage.
“But this is about our political discourse, which I want to see healthy. You see, Jacob Rees Mogg, those who play with dog vomit, as you seem happy to do, can find that the contaminating effects also spread to you. And I’m suggesting that it would be better for you, Mr Mogg, to stay away from the dog vomit.”
Maybe as a bonus, a cut back to the studio:
“That was Tony Smith, discussing Jacob Rees Mogg… and dog vomit.”
“Most people want to keep away from that stuff….”
Let them know we know what they are doing and then punish them for doing it by hoisting them on their petard, and their petard only; minimal necessary violence done to the body democratic.
It’s alread a clumsy subheading so I’m not fussed that I’ve piggled it further. Still, a month. Wow.
In this month, I have mainly been doing everything, it seems.
Among other things, I turned 40.
On the day, I wandered the coast around St Mary’s Island while listening to Hildegard of Bingen. I took some photos. I live in a beautiful part of the world.
I also had guests from the US, so we did some exploring together including Alnwick castle (take 2) and hitting the fish shack in Amble. I am missing some photos atm. But hey, I got one of a seal, so.
I also powered on with the job. I’m enjoying working in the NHS a lot and think I’m doing good.
This weekend the lady and I went to the Dilston Physic Garden which is a herbalist’s delight. Complete with labyrinth and sculpture garden.
Art and Improv
The American visit led to a terrific show and class. Kevin is a loveable and hilarious guy who slotted into our house format without any effort. We had a cool experimental middle section and then me K and John (also visiting) did some terrific fun organic improvisation. Class was busting at the seams, both with participants and content and laughter. Yay!
Also Will and I went down to Edinburgh festival and steeped ourselves in the goodness. Drove up mid-morning Saturday, down again after midnight on Sunday, after seeing 14 shows. Lots of people doing well that I knew from the clown/improv world; we were one seat shy of getting to see Jordan do what he does. John Henry put on a show that was a great end to our festival. I would pay for a chapbook of poetry that simply contained his ode to Die Hard, which sends prickles up the spine. Also, his take on Thomas the Tank Engine chimes with mine and Alan Chapman’s, namely that it’s a horrible little set-up that shouldn’t be anywhere near kids.
Other highlights were Vulvarine, The Half and Famous Puppet Death Scenes.
And of course, it’s Alex and Allyson Gray. I get their newsletter – had one of their posters up on my wall in Germany – and should pull up Alex’s audio book on the creative process, it had some good stuff in it. Alex is best known in my circles for contributing art to Tool’s album Lateralus.
The gang at Trust which I visited in February are starting to roll out videos. I haven’t had a chance to watch this yet so it’s as much a placeholder for me as anything. Bound to be interesting though. Benjamin H. Bratton on ideologies beyond the human
Hulbert and Anderson found that while those in the high and low trauma groups were equally good at learning the initial word associations, those in the high trauma group showed superior performance on the subsequent “No Think” trials, indicating they had a “robust ability” to forget the specific response words when required to do so. This held for both neutral and negative words, “suggesting that this effect reflects a generalised skill at suppression, regardless of valence,” the researchers write.
Trauma is looking like it may be a thing that I apply a lot of my attention to going forward, so I am all for people sending me anything to look at that speaks to it.
Everything from before – need to switch to finishing mode before the year escapes me entirely. Plus Adrian Wells’ Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders which is a firm ride into CBT territory. I come into this field without a huge regard for CBT but reading Wells’ take there is a lot to agree with. Behavioural experiments, reframing, exploring and bottoming out assumptions, and making sure everything is in the service of addressing the misunderstandings being made puts it closer to the Socratic tradition I am generally into.
Also Take it Easy, an easy improv book that I generally agree with but as a consequence isn’t adding much to my picture.
Work has been a dominating feature – so much so that I’ve struggled to blog on top of it. All going well, delivering what I need to quickly and getting more interesting activities on the back of it. I like the people I work with, I like the ethos in the organisation, I can also see how cuts and efficiency-restructure takes its toll, and is exceptionally complex in a health organisation with so many stakeholders and such high stakes.
I bought a bike this week – a single-speed hybrid recycled bike. Haven’t had a chance to put it really through its paces yet.
And I’ve been busy on weekends. Two weeks back was a trip to Kielder water, the massive reservoir in the Northeast. Camped among chickens and bemused sheep.
Just spent a nice weekend in Edinburgh, teaching mask improv and enjoying a little time in that most lovely of cities.
Workwise I’m trying to formalise a pipeline and process for a psychoeducation group in the city, so thinking about referral processes, communications, tracking etc. Also outside of the day job trying out what could be a semi-regular gig writing some think-pieces on workplace psych.
Art and improv
Had a great time in Ed, as mentioned. One-day workshop with a cosy group, lots of discoveries with the masks.
We found a scene centred around adoption/fostering where the breaking of boundaries was mediated through a teddy and it was heartbreaking.
Connections and thanks
Thanks to new friend Tom for putting us up in Edinburgh.
Last week checked out singing pals as part of the Northern Electric Festival. They did weird and great things.
Had a lovely meetup with the improv gang and ate great curry (keralan squid!) and laughed together for an evening.
I saw First Reformed this weekend and it knocked me backwards. Slow burn, intense and upsetting – but not gratuitously, because it deals our environmental crises, and what it looks and feels like when we stop turning away from them.
This looks interesting: Blot, a blogging platform with no interface, just files uploaded to a dropbox folder.
I will one day have to explain to my children that their father once ran a CD store, and then I’ll have to explain what in the hell a CD was, and I won’t be able to help bringing up MiniDiscs in the process. They will pat me patronizingly on the head, certain that I am showing the first signs of dementia, and ask if the robot maid is done doing their laundry yet.
“Kids are always working on songs and throwing them away, like little origami things or paper airplanes. They don’t care if they lose it; they’ll just make another one.” This openness is what every artist needs. Be ready to receive the inspiration when it comes; be ready to let it go when it vanishes. He believes that if a song “really wants to be written down, it’ll stick in my head. If it wasn’t interesting enough for me to remember it, well, it can just move along and go get in someone else’s song.” “Some songs,” he has learned, “don’t want to be recorded.” You can’t wrestle with them or you’ll only scare them off more. Trying to capture them sometimes “is trying to trap birds.”
We have to make sense of our differences and to conduct our interpersonal relationships in a way that is considerate and democratic instead of ignorant and tyrannical. If we turn our backs on our universal human duty of attempting to discern the truth of who we are as men and women, we doom both sides to a nihilistic power game, a Hobbesian nightmare of perpetual inter-gender warfare, replete with righteously indignant groupthink, spiteful denigration of the other side, and a grim fight for dominance characterized by constant victimization one-upmanship. I have experienced the suffering of both sides of this bitter war. Now I’d like to do my part, small though it may be, to bring about some peace through truth.
The main theme of the week was starting my new full-time NHS psychology work. Tiring but rewarding to go back to a standard working week (plus blogging etc… I’m gonna be busy). The teams are really nice. So far, the worst thing about going back to the grind is the ergonomics. So far I am doing without: natural scrolling, a comfortable keyboard, an ergonomic keyboard layout (I use Colemak at home), a standing desk, and the screens… oh god, the screens. Seemingly Windows 7 also prevents me from using many of the keyboard shortcuts for moving through text I like too. And the only plain text editor is Notepad, which isn’t exactly easy on the eye. I might be able to tweak some stuff but I may need to make my piece with much more.
A Newcastle heat wave is not as hot as elsewhere, but very nice. I had a nice walk around my local park. It’s victorian and has this lovely passage with old copper gas lamps.
Also a barbecue. This cat craved beer.
Hanging out with the lady too which is really nice. Her cat prefers catnip, and catching random critters as gifts. Lots of nice gluten-free baking atm too.
And the city is pretty lovely.
Did some mask-making on the weekend, nicely therapeutic.
Having just joined the NHS, I’m thinking about service and then I chanced upon this article where the first story is about my friend Alex.
Went to see a cool jazz group led by composer and guitarist Gero Schipmann. I love the guitar but am not such a fan of it in jazz, prefer the impact of brass or the eloquence of the piano, but he brought it to interesting places and allowed his group into focus including an excellent sax player.
Andrew Taggart has been exploring the issue of Total Work.
Total Work, a term coined by the philosopher Josef Pieper, is the process by which human beings are transformed into workers as work, like a total solar eclipse symbolized in the logo above, comes to obscure all other aspects of life. In these newsletters, I document, reflect upon, and seek to understand this world historical process, one that started at least as far back as 1800 and possibly as early as 1500.
I don’t always have time to make it through all his newsletters but enjoyed his recent one,which included a reflection on how people are responding to the effort:
Some believe that I’m only arguing against overwork and that I’m calling for “work-life balance.” That was how the story got picked up after a Quartz piece I wrote (see this MSN news piece). In truth, I’m trying to understand, at the very least, how work came to be sacrosanct, especially given its long track record as something contemptible (ancient Greece) and as necessary evil (medieval Europe).
I just got Butler’s Lives of the Saints in the post, and a friend returned Street Reclaiming to me (Mr Engwitch) and Jan Gehl’s Cities for People. I’m still on Lachman though.
Thinking through
(Rough and ready first-pass stuff here)
Speaking of Lachman, I’m reminded of how the current political divide – nay, chasm – seems to map in the public space with the right claiming “rationality” and left “feelings/subjectivity” – scientific method versus critical theory, for example. Currently, the book is exploring Goethe and his attempt to reject these as two binaries and thread the needle between them. Goethe is an interesting character as he was the seed of romanticism, which became known for emotional outpouring and a preoccupation with feeling, and was at the same time keenly interested in science and the material world (he discovered, for instance, the intermaxillary bone in humans, whose absence was thought to indicate the separateness of our species from others; Darwin credited this discovery as a key step on the path to figuring out evolution).
However, Goethe intended to approach the natural world with the instincts of the poet. One way in which you could imagine doing so would be to bring whatever personal feeling happened to be manifesting within you and smudging it all over the phenomena – so one day it could beoh, cold, grave tree! So imposing and judgmental, you cast your eyes on me but on another oh tree, you are my calm friend, etc. This would be layering feelings and subjectivity over what is nowadays considered territory for the rational, outer-viewing mind. In such a tradition, any interpretation we want to bring to bear would be valid, as long as we feel it when we apply it. This is the postmodern approach of suggesting everything is a text and every text can be read in any number of ways, with either all being equally correct, or with the correctness shaped only by its possible political impact, making the readings ultimately instrumental rather than true in themselves.
But this wasn’t what Goethe was about at all. He didn’t consider the natural world a canvas for his subjectiveness, with any take equally correct. He took it seriously that his job was to try and see the insides of a thing – a plant, or a place – as they really were, using his imaginative sense to “see ideas”. He wasn’t seeking to interpret the tree, he was seeking to actually understand it, using imagery called forth by the presence of the tree and his patience to join with it.
One of the reasons I’m interested in this is because of the old improv, where we layer identities onto empty stages and plainly dressed players using mental imagery, and at its best try to carve out a reality that isn’t there but also is. I personally feel like there is at least two activities in improv, one being making decisions to interpret and shape what you present to an audience in an instrumental way (twist this here to make this funny, introduce this theme to be dramatic), and another where you are allowing whatever is there to breathe and manifest. To see an idea. As an idealist, an idea is no trivial thing. Judgments and beliefs are cheap, but ideas are bigger than us.
No major themes to this week, apart from the great weather. It’s the world cup but so far I haven’t been engaged with it.
Went to a couple of events: one run by the Curious festival about gender identity and the arts, and the North East & North Cumbria HIV Network AGM, for work.
Jump started my housemates’ car.
Had a lovely rabbit stew cooked by the new lady, and pimiento padrons.
Visited a picturesque pub today – I probably should have taken photos!
Getting set for the job about to start. To kit myself out with work clothes I visited a personal shopper at a department store; it’s free and they can limit your choices to manageable levels while you hang out and drink tea!
Art and improv
A fun coulpe of rehearsals hacking games and songifying them.
We had a good jam night on Sunday, last one for the summer, including a total newbie who just dropped in intending to watch, but stepped up to try it.
Also Adam has been updating Brainwrap Comedy and put together a great poster for our promo film:
And here’s the film.
Recommendations / Reviews
Watched The World’s End, which felt a bit like a fairly good character study/ensemble comedy which suffered under the need to carry out its body snatcher twist. Certainly, there were lots of fun action/pulpy sci-fi moments and tropes, but it tried to do too much and tripped at the end.
The denial by liberals of any responsibility for the conditions that have fuelled rising anti-liberal movements is the cardinal fact of contemporary politics. What this denial presages is not any higher phase of history – a revamped liberal order, or some purer version of socialism – but a new authoritarian era. The world has reverted to a condition not dissimilar to that which prevailed towards the end of the 19th century.
… Here a weakness in the public doctrine that has guided the West since the end of the Cold War becomes clear. For at least a generation, Western thinking has been shaped by the theory that law can trump politics. Such was the message of John Rawls, Ronald Dworkin and their multitudes of academic followers, whose rights-based version of liberalism dominated political philosophy for much of the past 30 years. Always far-fetched, this liberal legalism has as much contemporary relevance as a dated crossword puzzle.
… Liberal regimes are not free-standing structures of law and rights but political constructions that depend for their survival on hard power and popular acceptance. No constitution can prevent liberal forms of government being overthrown when these supports are lacking.
Thinking through
Had a chat with Alan about how/whether spirituality stuff can actually head off any of the political trends (á la John Grey). One thing we talked around is whether Jordan Peterson is as successful as he claims at picking off people heading towards the far right, or whether he is a gateway into it as alleged by his critics. I think he has a major sampling bias, in the people who discover his stuff, stay there, and connect with it enough to come to his talks and thank him. As Alan pointed out the youtube algorithms mean that if you engage with his stuff, you will be pushed a lot of conservative content, and you’re a few steps away from really right-wing stuff. This is partly a technology thing, and also partly the result of the polarisation, with the left only engaging with the phenomenon – he’s more an avatar right now than an individual success story – in hostile terms. His videos are some of the hottest things on the internet for people searching for new ideas, and the right gets this, and is happily piggybacking on his momentum. The left has entered purge /purity mode, squandered an opportunity to pace and lead the conversation and is now shut out of it.
Shrug. It’s a shame, because the left activist circles I ran in were non-orthodox, smart and complex: dark green environmentalists, social democratic wonks, anarcho-sharp punks, people who could cut through the chaff and still find the worthwhile. Take his cheerleading for recent progress, his critique of immature activism, his take on postmodernism, his views on gender; for some of these topics, his argument is coherent but incomplete, and others contain barely a grain of truth fortified by his rhetorical skill. He’s prone to conceptual synecdoche, which means he shouldn’t be the one left alone to develop all these ideas to his millions-strong audience. And that can’t be achieved through derisive dismissal; it needs participation and rebuttal, ideally with a more capacious and charitable take than JBP himself affords his critics.
Or take the issues he’s framed more as questions than as positions: how does a modern individualist and atomised economy that prizes individual contribution in cognitive/expressive domains provide meaningful roles to those on the lower end of the cognitive spectrum (absent structures of meaning such as church or traditional institutions)? There are almost certainly some left-infused explorations of this (unless, god forbid, the blank slate rot has sank so deeply that these issues have entirely escaped attention) – so why not exploit the algorithm to get this stuff out accessibly? You’d probably have to swallow the impulse to denounce – the reactions of the JBP fans would quickly push you out of the orbit of his video ecosystem – but maybe it’s healthy to spend a little less time denouncing, and more addressing and developing the ideas that matter to you.
Or maybe that’s crazy. Again, shrug.
Maybe this stuff is happening already – if so, I’d love to see it. The people who are habitually engaging and benefiting from these discussions are spiritual folk, the self-help movement,conservatives of various stripes and of course the IDW. The only people more identified leftwards who productively link in are establishment entities like the National Gallery of Canada – which was fairly constructive but tame.
Still enjoying the Gary Lachman book. Currently introducing Owen Barfeld, an Inkling who spent his life exploring the poetic nature of language. It’s undeniable that outside of poetry itself, our modern language is far more factual and literal than it was in older times. Barfeld thought implausible the notion that language began factual, then experienced a phase of infestation by a wave of poets, before gradually shedding the poetry once more. It’s far more parsimonious to theorise that if new language is unpoetic, older language more poetic and ancient language extremely poetic, that language began poetically. But if so, why? Barfeld argues – and this is one of Lachman’s routes to developing his central thesis –that the way our ancestors perceived the world was fundamentally poetic, concerned with interiority rather than facts perceived at a distance. Perception attributed aliveness and agency to things that we consider inert, and overlap between aspects. It seems that Lachman is going to unpack how this was a valid way of thinking, rather than a sloppy and appropriately discarded inheritance, and I’m looking forward to seeing that thesis developed.
Front of mind for me is my trip to Germany, back to my old stomping ground of Würzburg. I don’t love travelling much at the moment, and the sagging sinkhole that is British rail at the moment really adds to the suckage – cancelled trains, hours of delay on the alternatives, some trains icy cold and others steaming hot. Add in nearly missing a flight due to mad queues, and there’s no surprise I crashed out asleep at 10ish last night…
On the bright side, this is where my travels took me:
The city was buzzing, both due to the music festival (see below) and the world cup – Germany winning by the skin of their teethlaunched a shriek that could be heard wherever you were in the city.
We were in the middle of Schafkälte, which is a traditional German (and I believe pan-European) term for when the temperature drops precipitously late in June, well after the sheep shearing season, hence Schafkälte – sheep’s cold.
Art and improv
I was in Germany for a meetup with Der Kaktus, my old group who I love very much. We spent two days working on new skills with Antonio Vulpio:
who has a nice format where he plays with performers who aim to destroy the scene through bad habits that he needs to counter. We were training these counters, it was pretty interesting!
Then we went on to play a show at Umsonst und Draussen, the music festival that we do every year to close out the main indoor stage.
Big show. This year was especially fun. Got to sign a massive cassette, too.
Writing stuff and also prepping for the new job which starts this week. One thing I’ve begun is mapping out all the duties that seem to come with the job (not simple as it’s actually two part-time jobs with different managers and teams) and starting to tease out articulations of why they actually matter, inspired by the maybe apocryphal JFK story with the NASA janitor.
Perhaps if I can elucidate it enough I can link some of these things into saints or mythic heroic figures, to really put juice into tasks that in themselves feel tiresome.
The silver lining of my crappy journy home was a meeting on the final leg. An older man entered the train with me and when I helped him with his bag, said “I’m old and weak”. We laughed about this and shared terrible travel stories, and I learned he was a retired priest heading back from Liverpool from a funeral for a friend. We talked about what I do, improvisation and psychology, and my thoughts that in another life I would have perhaps chosen to take the path of priesthood; he shared stories about the different parishes he served, including the rough one that he dreaded when he begun but hated to leave at the end when asked to move on. We talked about the dogma of the church and his disaffection with it all, his interest in liberation theology and his time in the Philippines, and how at the end of everything, people are interesting and good. And how much there was in the church that was worthwhile, despite all the dogma and institutional baggage. We even leant into apophatic theology and chatted about Plotinus and the ineffable for a bit. Thanks, John. God bless.