A carnosexual beginning

This has been a fun few weeks of improv: I’ve reunited with cherished teams, hosted a lovely-spirited improv jam, and performed a couple of times. The highlight for me, for sure, was being a part of something new. 

Carnosexual are a new longform troupe who met last Sunday, played a killer show two hours later, and are now officially a thing. I’m in a coaching role, so get to put my evolving improv eye to work enabling the group to get more play out of their time together. It’s a great thing I’m proud to do. The only downside is that these guys are having so much fun I’m sometimes sorry to be on the sidelines!

We’ve started a conversation about the things we each want to experiment with and explore through the group, which will become clearer over the coming weeks. One thing I already cherish is a diversity of background and areas of notable strength – some are more natural game players, others find the relationship meat more quickly – together with a willingness to try out and honour what each other brings to the stage.

I’m keeping my eye out for shows for the group for the rest of the year, especially as one of our players, Brandon, has a limited stay in the UK before returning to the US. If you are interested in hosting a longform group who play at a leisurely pace, dig into relational connections and mine comedic game, get in touch.

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