Hmmm, it’s been dead here recently. I’ve been away a bit, plus starting my new job, but that’s only part of the story. I’ve found myself a bit played out on the political blogosphere – the infighting, the signal-noise ratio, the frustration – and given it a miss, so I’m both more ignorant and less bitter at the moment, a mix I’m currently content with. I’ve also found that link-storage is much more convenient through delicious (which you can always click through to from the sidebar), so cut down on the “Check this! I have nothing to say about it, but it’s good.” posts, which is probably no bad thing.
I’ve decided to remedy this, and I’ll be getting a little more active for a time, but with a shift in focus. In a way, it’s overdue: the ethos of the blog was to proclaim my abiding dedication to the ideal of the polymath, or the diverse amateur – exploring topics just so long as they are rewarding you, and exploiting knowledge from many domains. So I’ll be writing about role-playing games, or collaborative fiction games [edit: or story games, which I find a pretty useful shorthand] – a social activity where you make your own entertainment. We’ll see where it goes.