A roundup of thoughts on “Shop Class as Soulcraft”

I had intended to talk about Matthew Crawford’s book Shop Class as Soulcraft ‘in the run-up to the new year". Well, it took a little longer than that to tussle with it! I’m really happy that I did. Here’s a potted summary of the ground covered. Note that as the posts progress, I talk more about improvisation, if that’s what’s floating your boat.

Lessons for agency and endeavour
The third lesson – awareness
Stoves and giggling freaks – an aside on Catch-22
Creativity at work
Design space is creativity space
Be creative, just be present

I’d love to hear thoughts on any of these posts in comments below.

I’m conscious that some of you were already kind enough to engage with my thinking in comments on previous posts. I tried to address your insights by roling them into later posts, but I’m sure some threads were left dangling; please raise any that you think were neglected.