This week as it was to me
I’ll keep it short, it’s only been a few days.
Had a great time at the Newcastle day singing on Saturday, and the bonus day on Sunday. Met nice people up from Oxford, down from Scotland, and over from Australia. We ended up on Sunday drinking outside in a pub and singing bawdily mispelt songs to the pleasure and bemusement of normal punters. Clearly I am becoming a shape note nerd. Current state of affairs: sing comedown, hoarse throat.

I had a really nice date with a nice person on Friday. Yay.
Making some practical changes for how we ticket events and starting to turn our head to other business model stuff.
Art and improv
Besides the singing, we ran our jam night on Sunday, with a small but lovely group of performers up for jumping up into the unknown.
Mutual aid
The sing weekend was a lot about donating time, food and money to make the weekend work and I was happy to be a part of that.
Loving The Expanse atm. Still dipping into Kimmy Schmidt from time to time, which is real good too.
Branches outward
It’s the anniversary of Tiananmen Square. Photos.
Patterns of neuronal firing captured in gut, our second brain.