Face of subversion?

John, during your spell in the states, are you sure you didn’t pop over to Washington ?

37484153861, originally uploaded by jakedobkin.

Actually, Borf’s been arrested. Read the article: he’s my kind of kid. Yes, I know his reasoning is garbled, and his stances inconsistent. But that’s part of the point of being a teenager – to launch yourself into things that matter, get a point of view – let the coming years take the edge off him, by all means, but my god we need more 18-year olds like him rather than like him (actually, that’s unfair, he has some sensible things to say, and he’s not 18 any more…actually hang on he’s banging on about evolutionary psych and the crypto-racists at genexp again – I take back my retraction!)

Here’s the reason I have a soft spot for him:

He said he was an activist long before he got into graffiti. The first protest he attended was against capitalism in September 2002. It’s possible he would have been arrested if he’d gotten there on time, he said, but the protest was “too early.”

Quite right too.

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